The Eshams would love to speak at your next event!
Bob and Carol have an incredible testimony of God’s faithfulness and provision in their own marriage. After a hair-raising experience, a boat explosion (they call this “the best day of their lives”) they made a commitment to serve God in any way He would lead them.
Having had a troubled marriage for 15 years, God changed them individually and as a consequence, their marriage! It has become their desire and ministry to share the godly tools and principles they learned and implemented in the years after that pivotal, life-changing event - now married 38 years this August!
The Eshams Can Speak On A Variety Of Topics, Combining Humor And Sharing Scriptural Principles Concerning Marriage.
Personal Testimony - A Marriage Explodes for the Better (youtube.com)
To Know You is to Love You - Becoming an expert on your spouse will help you better understand why your spouse acts or responds in negative ways. Spouses will learn to react in better ways showing mercy, grace and compassion. Understanding your spouse’s emotional needs will eliminate mind-reading and the confusion that comes when we unintentionally “miss the target.”
Rock’n Marriage/Shaking the Foundation - We needed a new foundation, yep, built on the rock of Jesus! How do couples know if they need a new foundation or just need to shore up a bit? Sharing several common scenarios negatively impacting today’s marriages, the Eshams offer biblical alternatives to strengthen and build up any marriage whether thriving or in distress. This presentation is comprehensive and eye-opening.
L O V E & R E S P E C T - Can we Really Do This?
Citing tools outlined in the popular book by Emerson Eggerishes, “Love & Respect” the Eshams use their own experiences with the “Crazy Cycle” and how God turned their marriage around when they had a better grasp of Ephesians 5:33 “However, each one of you should love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”
Abundant Marriage - Bob & Carol Esham of MERCI will share from their own experiences what an “abundant marriage” looks like. Based on John 10:10 “The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that you would have life and have it more abundantly. Can you imagine your marriage with more peace, more joy, more love? Yes, you two, can have an ABUNDANT MARRIAGE!
Atti2de -What does your attitude say about your marriage? EVERYTHING! When the “2” become “1” it is necessary for husband and wife to exhibit attitudes of grace and thankfulness. Learn how “love buster” attitudes such as John Gottman’s “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” (Defensiveness, Criticism, Contempt and Stonewalling) can escalate all too quickly into a downward trend. Couples will learn how a “love booster” attitude (humble, positive and kind) can turn around any marriage for the better!